Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Human Resource Assignment (Hospitality Industry) Essay

Human Resource Assignment (Hospitality Industry) - Essay Example In other words, the service sector can be termed as hospitality sector (Simmering, 2006). One of the most important aspects to remember is that the service or hospitality industry deal with selling customer satisfaction and it is not an easy task. Training is the responsibility of the Human Resource Management. Additionally, they also take care of employee recruitment and make sure that employees' abilities are precisely and favourably nurtured to best suite the companies' requirement. However, today several such industries lack proper training resulting in failures. This paper analysis the reasons for the success and failures of training programs in the hospitality industry. Customer satisfaction is the main job of any hospitality industry. Hospitals are a part of this industry and make sure that the patients are given at most care and support for recovery. Aviation industry is involved in flying passengers with all comforts to their destinations. Similarly, hotel's don't sell rooms or a place to sleep rather they sell customer fulfilment and comfort. Food industry or a restaurant is not just the business of selling food, but they sell service, luxury and comfort. It doesn't matter what service or hospitality industry, customer satisfaction is of great importance (Bacal & Associates, N.D.). There are several reasons as to why the training aspects are not taken up with all seriousness. Employees in the hospitality arena oppose or dislike training because they believe that they are already trained. Most of them believe they already have the requisite skills to do their job reasonably well (BNET, 1998). In recent decades the attitudes and awareness to training has changed to a great extent. Historically, training applied more to manual and enhanced the trade skills through apprenticeships. With the help of current technology the training skills to a great extent has developed and improved to cover all aspects of modern business and industry. There are three broad approaches according to Armstrong (1999 Cited in to training. The first one is about the adoption of lassie-faire approach believing that employees will find out what to do for themselves or through others. For instance if skill shortages were to be encountered, they would set right the circumstances by poaching staff from other organisations that invest in training. In a second type of organizations, they may invest in training in good times, i.e. when they have enough funds, but in bad times training budgets will be the first to be cut. Thirdly organisations that take on a positive training philosophy do so because they recognize the fact that they live in a world where competitive advantage is achieved by having higher quality people. This goal cannot be achieved if proper investment in developing the skills and competencies of their employees is not taken up. Training is the practical move toward rather than reactive approach designating t raining as a permanent and on-going process within the organisation. There are several factors that need to be considered for any company to design an effective training programme. For instance, it is said that training

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