Thursday, September 12, 2019

Homeland Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Homeland Security - Assignment Example These are mistakes caused by service provider. Employing various safeguard controls is the best way to avoid the accidental threats. Some of the best safeguarding controls that homeland security may employ include provision of resources and training. This can play a crucial part in the prevention of unintentional failures. Negligence Negligence refers to failure in complying with various set regulations, policies and procedures while carrying out various activities. In order to control negligence as one type of human threat, there is a need to employ post-incident or countermeasures controls. One of the advantages of employing countermeasures is that it is possible to identify various challenges that may tend to be the cause of negligence (Tavana, 2007). The other significant aspect associated with countermeasure control on the issue of negligence is that it is possible to assess some attribute or character that might possibly create an undue risk. Intentional Intentional or delibera te threats include both criminal and non-criminal. The non-criminal entails boycotts and blockades among others. However, the criminal ones entail sabotage, espionage, fraud, theft, terrorism among others. Another issue is that the amount of harm conducted because of intentional human threat depends on the motive of the threat (Tavana, 2007). In order to prevent the occurrence of such threats, the best kinds of control that would be most effective is the post-incident or countermeasures control (Tavana, 2007). Intentional threat tends to be very dangerous and can lead to a large number of people losing their lives. An example of a successful intentional threat is the one that occurred in 9/11 at America. One of the best methods to employ in relation to countermeasures on intentional threats is crisis management. This entails making sure that essential training is offered in order to handle any type of intentional disaster that might occur. The other issues to consider in relation to intentional threat are who, why and what would be attacked (Tavana, 2007). This gives the concerned parties an over view on what is necessary to consider and to address in order to be fully prepared for the occurrence of any kind of potential threat. Question, 2. Part 1. If you were in a debate about prioritizing risks to critical infrastructures, which of the following criteria would you argue in favor of for setting priorities? Most dangerous to life / safety and property? Most dangerous to life / safety and property is the criteria to first consider when setting priorities on risks to critical infrastructure. The well-being of all citizens ought to be the issue to offer significant concern when setting various priorities especially when prioritizing risks to critical infrastructures. This consideration also entails focusing on issues that would enhance safety of property to all citizens. Some of the human threats tend to be critical in the fact that they can cause significant ne gative impacts to the lives of the citizens. For example, various terrorism acts end up causing loss of lives and properties (Department of Homeland Security, 2007). Intentional human threats like terrorism always involve violence. The main aim of terrorism is to cause psychological impact to the affected community through loss of lives

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