Saturday, August 31, 2019

Parody Through Counter Examples Essay

Counter examples are used throughout this play, and is a key role in the parody of the play. On both male and female sides of the dynamics in the play the first one is right from the start. â€Å"the streets are absolutely clogged with frantic females banging on tambourines. No urging for an orgy!† (727) In the â€Å"Classical Age† of Athens upperclass women assumed the role of a housewife, where their duties were to either clean up the house or organize the slaves of the house to do it for them. It was unheard of for women to be out in the streets like this period much less at night. The women of Athens formed together to plot against the men to bring them home from the war. As the women were gathering to plan against the men, Lysistrata said, â€Å"I’m on fire right down to the bone. I’m positively ashamed to be a woman—a member of a sex which can’t even live up to male slanders! To hear our husbands talk, we’re sly: deceitful, alwa ys plotting, monsters of intrigue†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (728) this quote makes me laugh, because while she is saying this her and multiple women are plotting a way to get back at the men. This quote plays off the stereotype that a woman is always out to make a mans life miserable in everything they do, but this is exactly the thing they are trying to do. While the women are out in the streets they continue to show how ridiculous they are when they are complaining on how much they do for their men. This quote by Kleonike is a prime example, â€Å"They’ll be here. You know a woman’s way is hard mainly the way out of the house: fuss over hubby, wake the maid up, put the baby down, bathe him, feed him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (728) Kleonike goes on and on about how much work they have to do, but she mentions that she gets up the maid, which does the work for her. This quote plays of the stereotype that women do a lot of house work, but in the play they have maids so obviously they are not doing too much. Counter examples are a huge part of the parody that is within the play, all of my previous quotes had stereotypes in them, but they all counter themselves. Parody’s are still very popular today, for example the movie Space Balls which is a parody of Star Wars. Space Balls makes fun of everything that is taken very seriously in Star Wars, which gives the movie that comedy feel a parody comes with. Throughout the play, parody is seen in both the men and the women. The stereotype that men are strong and tough is presented towards the beginning of the play at the gates of the treasury. â€Å"Never been confronted with such backtalk. Can’t allow it. Somebody pick up a log and pulverize that brass.† (740) Immediately following this the men are easily silence by nothing more than a bunch of women carrying water. These rough and tough men seen in the previous quote were defeated by nothing more than water. â€Å"[Shivering, the CHORUS OF MEN retreats in utter defeat†¦]† (742) After the men’s defeat they run away to the Commissioner, and he is sent home packing after several attempts to â€Å"out man† Lysistrata. â€Å"Gross ineptitude. A sorry day for the Force.†(745) This also relates to a parody in our modern day times with our own military. I here people complain about so many things our military does and stands for, yet the majority of the people criticizing are too afraid to join the military to begin with. So this â€Å"manly† stereotype applies to modern times as well, men are quick to jump up to fight someone, but do they go through with it most of time, no. This quick battle also shows how brutal these Athenian women are, when women of the classical age were to only be seen not heard. Women were used as trophies most of the time, to be seen only and never heard. In this quote you get a typical stereotype of the women of this time, â€Å"Glamor is our only talent. All we can do is sit, primped and painted made up and dressed up,† (729). Women were never known to be violent, but in this quick battle with the men and the commissioner we see how brutal these women are, â€Å"INTO THE FRAY! Show them no mercy! Push! Jostle! Shove! Call them nasty names! Don’t be lady like!†(745) In no way, form, or fashion are these ladies being lady like in this scene, which is another perfect example of parody runs wild throughout this play making it out to be the comedy it was made to be. All of these counter examples play favor to my leading argument which is the fact that the women in this play use parody the most through abstinence by withholding sex. This is the biggest parody of them all. This play revolves around sex, but the whole goal of the women’s tactics is to refrain from it. It’s easy to see with my following examples that this play uses parody around every turn. The parody in this play does not come without a type of counter example of a stereotype that is either assumed or given throughout the play. In this time frame, women would have never been allowed to do this. If you can put your mindset in the classical age of Athens it’s easy to see how funny and how much parody is actually used.

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