Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Drug Addiction Analyzing The Web And Different Textbooks...

Desmone’ L. Jones Professor Lara Tedrow Introduction to Psychology 1 13 November 2015 Drug Addiction While researching the web and different textbooks about drug addiction, I have found a lot of great information that I would like to share in this paper. Particularly about how it affects each person and just give a round about idea of what drug addiction really is and how people deal with it and overcome this in everyday life. This topic is very important and maybe it will help you reading it, or it can help you help someone else who is struggling or dealing with this. Has it every crossed your mind what an drug addict goes through everyday to make it in life? My goal in this paper is to help you understand and†¦show more content†¦Drug Addiction Also may be known as substance abuse, this is a dependence on a legal or illegal drug or medication. If your an addict you may not be able to control your use of drugs or even realize the harm it is causing you. Drug addiction is a very intense craving of a drug and many people have a very hard time quitting on their own. Drug addiction can cause a series of problems including problems with physical and mental health, relationships and marriages, employment, and much more. Nowadays drug addiction is very common, but for grown ups I would have to say that they use it more for recreational purposes. According to a text: Psychoactive drugs are mind altering substances that people typically take for recreation purposes. These drugs change the brain’s neurochemistry by activating neurotransmitter systems: either by imitating the brain’s natural neurotransmitters (e.g., marijuana, opiates) or changing the activity of particular neurotransmitter receptors. The effe ct(s) of a particular drug depend(s) on which neurotransmitter system(s) it imitates or activates. (Gazzaniga 161) Types of drug addiction can include a number of things including cocaine, alcohol, heroine, and inhalants. Cocaine is a stimulant that comes from the leaves of a coca bush. Inhaling or snorting cocaine as a powder or smoking it in the form of crack cocaine, can cause who ever is using

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