Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Teaching Teenagers about Sex in Schools Essay - 1805 Words

Introduction As millions of teens are heading back to school, they are going to be learning the same old stuff, the usual studies include-history, math, science. But many students and parent’s surprise, there will be an extra class included in the curricula: Sex Education. In most public schools, there is some form of teaching of sex education. However, there is an even bigger question that is arising. â€Å"What kind of sex education are our children getting and is it enough to help?† There is a huge national debate going on over whether the whole ordeal over if kids should or should not be taught in school about sex. It shouldn’t matter what side of the fence you are on or your school, what is important is to know how to†¦show more content†¦By the prohibition of the discussion of the certain topic, there have been less students learning about the topics such as pregnancy prevention and STD prevention than students have in the 1990s. At this time, there was around 750,000 adolescents were experiencing an unintended pregnancy, along with every one in four sexually active teens contracted a sexually transmitted disease annually. It goes far as some states trying and having succeeding in censorship or distort information for political purposes, â€Å"people become the instruments or tools of the state policies that deprive them of the knowledge and info necessary to make and implement decisions about the reproductive and to express the sexuality safely. It thus involves the state control over some of the most basic elements of what it means to be human.† (L.R Freeman, Censorship and Manipulation of Reproductive Health Information) Abstinence-only programs’ funding was greatly expanded when a welfare reform was passed in 1996. The Community-based Abstinence Education programs have provided grants directly from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to communities and many faith-based programs to help and even a third of f ederal programs was created for the use of abstinence only education in 2000. In many people’s beliefs, these abstinence-only programs are doing much more harm than good. Such programs are violating numerous human rights and ethical principles as these areShow MoreRelatedSex Education And Sexual Education1253 Words   |  6 Pageshave public schools teach sexual education classes, or teach abstinence education classes? Pregnancy rates in America are slowly decreasing, but are still extremely high. According to K. F. Stanger-Hall (2011), Pregnancy rates in America are more than double the rates of other countries with 72.2% per 1000 girls between the ages of 15-19 becoming pregnant. The best way to lower teen pregnancy is to teach about prevention in schools with sex education or abstinence classes. Teenagers need to learnRead MoreSex Education : A Part Of American Culture1566 Words   |  7 PagesFor decades, sex education in US public schools has been a debatable issue for a minority of people (Shindel Parish, 2013). Healthcare workers insist that with a rise in sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies among teenagers, sex education is desperately needed in school. On the other hand, there are some parents and other citizens who strongly believe that sex education is something that parents should be teaching to their children. These individuals feel that sex education coursesRead MoreSex Education Are Essential For Teens1479 Words   |  6 PagesSex Education is a controversial but extremely important topic. Yet, we are doing very little to address it. Teaching sex education in schools are essential for teens to help build a strong foundation of sexual health. Although sex education must begin at home, some parents feel uncomfortable talking about the topic with their children and they believe teaching their children about sex can end up encouraging them to engage in sexual intercourse. Due to that, parents and schools try to em phasize theRead MoreSex Ed By Anna Quindlen963 Words   |  4 Pagescollege before returning to the Times in 1977. â€Å"Sex Ed† by Anna Quindlen in the Wake Tech Reader is an article that distinguished her as being a feminist. Even though â€Å"Sex Ed† was written long ago, it is as relevant today as then because teens today are not much different from then. In Anna Quindlen’s essay, ‘Sex Ed,† she expresses that parents and teachers need to come together and talk to teenagers about sex. In Quindlen’s essay she talks about when she was sitting in a clinic in the poorest neighborhoodRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught? High School?997 Words   |  4 PagesTeenagers and sex are two words that are often heard together, whether we like it or not, teenagers are having sex. Some schools don’t teach sexual education and because of that students are suffering. There’s no way to make teenagers not have sex but there is away to teach them about having safe sex, that is why I believe that we need to require sexual education be taught in high school. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, â€Å"Only 22 states require public schools to teachRead More Education Is Key: A Comprehensive Approach to Sex Education Essay1579 Words   |  7 PagesSex education is about informing students about sex so that they can make educated decisions when the time comes to have sex. Sex education helps students protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, STDs, and HIV/AIDS. Students should leave a sex education course with the right tools so they make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being. The goal of sex education is to provide a student with as much information as possible so that they can use the skills they learned inRead MoreThe Adolescent Family Life Program Teaches Teenagers About Abstinence1365 Words   |  6 Pagesprogram teaches teenagers about abstinence. The AFL differs from other primary prevention programs, but also has complications to its solution for teaching teenagers about its a bstinence-only program. This paper is to display the effective approach of the AFL in how it contrasts from other programs, but also, how it can be revised. In the end, the program needs adjustment, from its abstinence-only education, in order for it to effectively teach adolescences the consequences of sex. Primary PreventionRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Education1429 Words   |  6 Pagesteens are very common. Teenagers in schools across the US are at risk of getting pregnant. They may even have a sexually transmitted disease and not know it. Many teenagers and even some adults do not know a lot about sexual health. That is because schools are not giving out some of the most important information to their students in sex education classes. All public schools should require that sex education teaches more than only about abstinence and STI’s. First, schools need to make sure thatRead MoreUnited States has the Highest Rate of Teenage Pregnancies Essay1687 Words   |  7 Pagespregnancy, about 500,000 births per year from girls under twenty. Second in the statistic is Poland, who only has about 30,000 teenage births in a year. When the topic of sex arises, people become uncomfortable because it is a subject that is thought of as personal and secretive. However, people aren’t only uncomfortable with the subject because of it being taboo, people try to avoid the subject because they aren’t always informed correctly about it and don’t have a way to learn about it, excludingRead MoreThe Rate Of Unwanted Teenage Pregnancies And Sexually Transmitted Diseases1502 Words   |  7 Pagessafety precautions and informing teens about healthy sexual activity. Sexual Education is the act of educating others about intercourse, the anatomy of the human body, sexual reproduction, abstinence, and contraceptives. Elizab eth Boskey, a STD expert, believes that schools should teach sex education because of the positive effects it has on the students. However, Sol Gordon believes that the parents should be responsible for teaching their children about sex. Even though Elizabeth Boskey and Sol

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