Friday, November 8, 2019

The Bilateral Relationships between the UAE and Japan

The Bilateral Relationships between the UAE and Japan Abstract The bilateral relations between the UAE and Japan have been important for the sustained development of both countries. In particular, these states have established economic cooperation involving the exchange of natural resources and technologies.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Bilateral Relationships between the UAE and Japan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, they have common foreign policy interests such as the elimination of nuclear threats and preservation of maritime security. These countries can differ profoundly in terms of their culture or political system, but these differences do not undermine their cooperation. Overall, these countries perceive each other as strategic partners, and the situation is not like to change in the near future because Japan and the UAE have been able to resolve several important disputes such as the question related to the taxation of businesses. These are the main issues that should be discussed more closely because it is important for understanding the relations between these states. Introduction This paper is aimed at examining the bilateral relations between the United Arab Emirates and Japan. In particular, one should pay close attention to the economic aspects of their cooperation because it strengthens the ties between these states. Additionally, one should examine the political aspects of their relations. Furthermore, it is critical to examine the similarities and differences in the foreign policy since this issue is important for understanding how these countries interact with one another. Overall, it is possible to argue that each of these states is interested in fostering this partnership since it contributes to the sustained development of their economies. Admittedly, these states are not strongly dependent on one another, but they value their cooperation and try to promote it by reaching agreements that can fos ter the work of various businesses. These are the main questions that should be examined in greater detail. This discussion can be useful for studying the relations between Asian countries and their counterparts from the Middle East. Economic partnership One should mention that Japan established the diplomatic relations with the UAE in 1971 at the time, when the country proclaimed its independence (Lenze 145). The partnership between these states has been critical for their economic development. Much attention should be paid to the trade between the two states.Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In particular, the UAE provides oil and natural gas which are important for the functioning of the Japanese economy as well as infrastructure. In particular, the UAE provided 25 percent of Japanese oil supplies (Nusrat). In turn, the UAE government attaches import ance to Japan as a buyer because approximately 40 percent of the oil produced in this country is sold to Japan. The government of Japan strives to maintain productive relations with various suppliers of natural resources, and the UAE is one of the most important ones. In turn, Japanese companies offer vehicles and various electronic devices. Moreover, they bring technologies that are used by various UAE enterprises. One should keep in mind that in 2012, the trade between the two countries equaled $53.9 billion. In particular, UAE imports to Japan were worth $43.9 billion while Japanese exports amounted $8.96 billion (Nusrat). Furthermore, one should mention that the amount of Japanese investment has increased dramatically during the period between 2005 and 2012 (Nusrat). In 2005, Japanese investments in the UAE economy equaled only 19 million, but seven years later, they constituted 364 million (Nusrat). These are some of the main trends should be taken into consideration. Additiona lly, both countries are the members of the World Trade Organization. Thus, one can say that there are relatively few economic barriers that may hinder trade. While discussing the economic cooperation, one should also mention, that the two countries have established closed educational partnership. For example, Tokyo University established its research centers in Abu Dhabi (Vijayan 368). The functioning of these centers is critical for the preparation of more effective labor force and adoption of technologies that increase the productivity of businesses. To a great extent, this educational cooperation is critical for the technological modernization of the UAE economy. For example, one can speak about the adoption of renewable energy (â€Å"Co-chairmanship of two Japanese ministers in the 5th IRENA Assembly†). One can argue that the relationship between these countries have been mutually profitable. Moreover, in the future, this trend is not likely to reverse itself. It should b e mentioned that these states have recently been able to reach an agreement regarding he taxation (â€Å"UAE, Japan sign treaty on taxation†). The main goal of this agreement is to eliminate double taxation which creates significant challenges for businesses working at the international level. This step can be important for fostering bilateral cooperation between the two states.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Bilateral Relationships between the UAE and Japan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the future, Japanese businesses and UAE regulators will have fewer reasons for entering into conflicts with one another. This is one of the details that can be distinguished.  One should keep in mind that Japan is interested in the preservation of peace in the Middle East because such events can disrupt oil supplies in the country (Miyagi 102). This is why the government of Japan is opposed to such an or ganization as Islamic State (Fackler 15). In turn, the UAE wants to attract investors and businesses that have made considerable achievements in various sectors of economy, especially those ones requiring the use of sophisticated technologies. In the long term, such partnership has been important for the strengthening of the UAE economy. It is possible to say that the economic benefits received by the two countries can be regarded as the main driver of their continued relationship. This is one of the main arguments that can be put forward. Political regimes of the two countries Admittedly, much attention should be paid to internal differences. It is important to mention that these countries differ in terms of political regimes. For example, Japan can be described as the constitutional monarchy with a well-developed parliamentary system. In turn, the government of the UAE has the elements of both absolute and federal monarchies (Stewart 155). It should be mentioned that the UAE can b e regarded as the federation of monarchies. Furthermore, the policies of separates emirates can differ considerable. Thus, foreign companies may need to follow different sets of regulation. This comparison has been included in order to highlight the idea these two countries have been able to overcome these significant differences. It is importantly that the diplomats accept that idea that the UAE and Japan differ in terms of their political culture. However, they do not lay much stress on these differences. This is one of the issues that one should take into account while examining the interactions between these states. Foreign policy It should be mentioned that there are significant similarities in the foreign policy of the two countries. These countries play a critical role in the regions that they represent. Additionally, one should point out that the governments of both countries attach the importance of nuclear disarmament.Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This policy can be partly explained by the fact that both countries have to face the threats of nuclear war that can be posed by such countries as North Korea and Iran. This is one of the details that should be taken into account. Apart from that, both countries lay stress on maritime security. This policy is also critical for the preservation of trade in the region. Apart from that, both countries recognize the need to minimize the threats that can be poses by the terrorist organization Islamic State. Some of Japanese citizens have already been affected by this terrorist group (Yoshida). The government of the UAE also recognizes the dangers posed by Islamic State. Therefore, it is possible to argue that these countries common geopolitical goals. These objectives can be important for minimizing potential conflicts or disputes between these states. Admittedly, there is the risk of potential conflicts which can be explained by the differences in their foreign policy. One should mentio n that Japanese government has traditionally provided support to American foreign policies, especially those ones related to the Middle East. In turn, the UAE tries to act as an independent player in this region. It is possible that at a certain point, this difference can undermine the bilateral relations of Japan with the UAE. This is one of the risks that should not be overlooked. However, researchers note that Asian countries have been able to settle potential disputes with the states representing the Middle East (Eberling 65). Yet. as it has been noted before these states have a strong economic interest that will shape the decisions of the governments. Importance of these relations for both countries It is possible to say that the relations with the UAE have been critical for Japan because this country provides natural resources that are important for the functioning of the Japanese economy. Moreover, the UAE creates additional demand for the products manufactured in Japan. This is one of the aspects that can be distinguished. In turn, the government of the UAE attaches importance to the partnership with Japan because the interactions with the country can be important for the economic diversification (Gorgenl 21). In particular, one should speak about the intention of this country to become less dependent on the exportation of oil. This is one of the overarching goals that have to be attained in the near future. Additionally, one should bear in mind since the early seventies, Japanese companies have acted as important investors in the Middle East. To some degree, they spurred the development of various industries in the UAE. This is why the UAE focuses on the cooperation with Japanese governmental institutions and private businesses. It is rather difficult to say that these states are strongly dependent on one another. This assumption would be rather inaccurate. However, each of these states values these bilateral relations. Conclusion On the whole, this d iscussion indicates Japan and the UAE have established close relations and productive relations with one another. Although, these countries differ dramatically in terms of culture or religion, they have been able to achieve results that have been benefited each of the parties. There has been no cause for considerable disputes between the two countries. Furthermore, the governments of both states have identified those areas of cooperation that are critical for both partners. In particular, one should speak about the supply of natural resources, transfer of technologies, foreign direct investment and so forth. Therefore, the ties between Japan and UAE will not weaken in the near future. These are the main details that can be singled out. â€Å"Co-chairmanship of two Japanese ministers in the 5th IRENA Assembly,† UAE-emb.  2015. Web. Nusrat, Ali. â€Å"Building Bridges Between Japan And The UAE.† Gulf Business 14  March 201 4. Web. Eberling, George. Future Oil Demands of China, India, and Japan: Policy Scenarios  and Implications, New York: Lexington Books, 2014. Print. Fackler, Martin. â€Å"Departing From Japan’s Pacifism, Shinzo Abe Vows Revenge for  Killings.† The New York Times, 1 Feb. 2015: 15. Print. Gorgen, Victor. A Strategic Analysis of the Construction Industry in the United Arab  Emirates: Opportunities and Threats in the Construction Business, New York: Diplomica Verlag, 2011. Print. Lenze, Nele. Converging Regions: Global Perspectives on Asia and the Middle East,  New York: Ashgate Publishing, 2014. Print. Miyagi, Yukiko. Japans Middle East Security Policy: Theory and Cases, New York:  Routledge, 2013. Print. Stewart, Dona. The Middle East Today: Political, Geographical and Cultural  Perspectives, New York: Routledge, 2013. Print. â€Å"UAE, Japan sign treaty on taxation.† Gulf News. com. 17 Oct. 2012. Web. . Vijayan, Sugumaran. Application of Agents and Intelligent Information Technologies,  New York: Idea Group Inc. Yoshida, Reiji. â€Å"Islamic State threatens to kill two Japanese hostages.† The Japan  Times 20 Jan. 2020. Web.

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