Thursday, July 18, 2019

How I Would Direct Act 5 Scene 1 From Macbeth Essay

Introduction If I were to direct a new version of Scene 1 of Act 5 in Macbeth I would make it a modernised version. The characters would wear modern clothes and live in modern surroundings and the story would have to be slightly altered to fit this modern setting. I think that I could still let the characters use archaic language as in the original Macbeth script. The scene would be less formal as it seems to be in the RSC version, it would be a lot more relaxed. I would try to make the scene more interesting for younger people and the target audience would be around 12-18. The film would not be a comedy or an action film it would be a tragedy film. To make the scene interesting for this audience I would have to change many parts of the scene like the camera angles, colours and costumes. Casting I would like Lady Macbeth to be a small person who seems defenceless but has a strong mind rather like Sarah Siddons who first played the part of Lady Macbeth in 1785. Lady Macbeth would be a very harsh person who deteriorates throughout the film and in this particular scene is very weak, defenceless and also very stressed. She would not be as old as the Lady Macbeth from the RSC version and would be a lot more like that of the Polanski version. She will also look very pale as she is worried about what she is going to do and she will also have make-up on so she looks tired with â€Å"bags† under her eyes. Also in this scene would be the Gentlewoman who, in my version would be like a Maid in a large modern houshold. She would be quite large (but not too big) and she would be a very friendly and comforting person who was very lively and hyperactive. The Maid would be a very sure and decisive person who would be confident in her own decisions. Also the Maid would be very reliable and a trustworthy person. She would talk a lot in the scene and would be very loyal to Lady Macbeth. She would be very shocked by Lady Macbeth’s unusual behaviour just like the Gentlewoman in the RSC version. You would be able to see her concern for Lady Macbeth in the actors eyes. The Maid would probably not be English as many Maids in modern times are from foreign countries. The last person to be cast in this scene would be the Doctor. In my version the Doctor would be a very sympathetic man who cares for his patients he would reassure the maid and would be very informed and helpful for Lady Macbeth. As with the maid the doctor would be very shocked and would be worried by Lady Macbeth’s behaviour unlike the doctor in the Polanski version. The doctors would look very professional but also very caring. The doctor would also be a quite an old man. Costume The costumes in my scene would be quite light and modern and would not be too dark as I thought the costumes used in the RSC version were (or was that because it was in black and white?). I think that Lady Macbeth would wear a night-gown or something similar and would have long hair, probably blonde unlike the RSC version as I did not think that short brown hair would fit with my scene or settings. Lady Macbeth would be quite small also, giving the impression of a defenceless person. The Maid would be wearing the typical maid clothes, probably a dress that was white and blue or black She would be holding a tray of some sort with drinks on. The Doctor would probably be wearing a Hugo Boss suit and have grey hair. He would also wear small glasses that he would wear on the end on his nose which is always shown as a sign of intelligence. He would enter the room with a black suitcase and would have a professional image. I would also like the Doctor to have a small beard aswell. Movement I’m my scene the Maid and the Doctor would enter the bedroom of Lady Macbeths house quickly and as they were walking the would be talking. Then Lady Macbeth would enter rubbing her hands in a jerky way and very quickly like the Polanski version. Lady Macbeth would be shivering while the Doctor and Maid were looking on at her. Then Lady Macbeth would go to bed – talking in her sleep. After this the concerned Doctor would exit and the scene ends. Language And Performance I’m my scene Lady Macbeth would have a quiet tone of voice and would whisper some of her lines. She would not cry out as loud as in the RSC version as I think that it was a bit too exaggerated in that interpretation of the scene. The tone of her voice would be horrified and frightened and would be very alarming to watch. Her voice would be as if it was on the edge and she was about to snap and go completely mad. She needs to show fear aswell when she says â€Å"Hell is murky† because this is showing her fear of death and going to hell for what she has done. The Doctor in this scene would be calm on the outside but he would feel very shocked and he would be asking the Maid questions very quietly – almost whispering. The Maid’s tone of voice would also be shocked and she would almost scream from seeing the distressed Lady Macbeth. She would look away and would seem to be suffering pain from Lady Macbeth’s suffering. Her voice would show this. I think my version of this scene would be more emotional that the Polanski version but less emotional than the RSC version, it would be a balance between the two. Even though it would be set in modern times the language would remain the same as the original Macbeth script and no parts would be edited from the scenes except for censorship. I would direct some parts of the scene to be how I want them to be shown. At the start of the scene when the Doctor says â€Å"What have you heard her say† the Maid must look extremely worried about what she might tell the doctor. As Lady Macbeth walks out the doctor and Maid will talk in a whisper so that they do not disturb her. Lady Macbeth must look alone and have a blank look on her face. When she says â€Å"Yet here’s a spot† referring to the blood which cannot seem to be removed from her hands she must seem angry and frustrated but also sorry for herself. It should seem as though Lady Macbeth is announcing her troubles. The Maid must seem very forgiving and concerned at this point. As the speech of Lady Macbeth goes on she needs to get more and more built up before crying at the end (but not too loud as in RSC). Camera Angles My version of this scene would have a long shot of the Macbeth household at the start of the scene and then would have close up’s of the characters faces as in both the Polanski version and the RSC version. This way you can see the characters faces close up so you can almost see what they are thinking. I could also have a Lady Macbeth camera where there is a camera that seems as if it its inside Lady Macbeth’s head, showing what she sees and hears, this would let the audience know what Lady Macbeth was thinking and seeing and would involve them more in the film. For example when she is trying to wash the blood off her hand but in her dreams she cannot, I could switch to the Lady Macbeth camera to show her saying â€Å"Out, damned spot!† And showing the camera pointing at her hand with the blood on it. Then I could switch back to the bemused Doctor and Maid wondering what is going on. I think this would be a good way of showing the scene. Relationships With Other Characters Lady Macbeth in my cut of the scene would be very close to her Maid and they would care for each other. The Maid would care for Lady Macbeth a lot more than Lady Macbeth would care for the Maid because Lady Macbeth is in my version a very harsh person who does not care much for anyone except for her husband Macbeth. The Maid would be exceptionally loyal to Lady Macbeth and follow all of her orders. The Doctor would also be very caring for both characters and he would trust the Maid although he would be slightly confused as to what is going on and he would rely on the Maid to inform him. Staging, Setting and Lighting I would set the scene in the Macbeth household which would be in the Scottish Highlands. As the setting is so modern the story before this scene would have had to be altered slightly – for example instead of killing the King, Macbeth could have killed his boss and become the Manager of a company. The house would be very large and modern and the scene would be mainly set inside Lady Macbeth’s bedroom. The furniture would be very expensive and modern and the room would be quite light but would have red curtains which the sun would shine through making the whole room seem the colour of blood which would symbolise danger and insecurity. The bed would be a very ornate but modern four poster bed. The Macbeths would be a very upmarket family. This setting would be very different to the setting of the RSC version which seemed to be set on a stage with not much scenery. My version will be alike the Polanski version in that it would be in a proper film set. I would also have a good soundtrack that was one of the things (I think) was missing from both versions of the scene that we saw. The music would be included in the scenes to create more atmosphere but it would be good music that would add atmosphere without really being noticed. General Impression The general impression hopefully made from my scene would be that the audience feels sympathetic towards Lady Macbeth. They should be drawn in so that they end up feeling sorry for her when earlier on in the play they thought she was a deceitful and cold blooded person. It should show people that you can’t hide murder – or at least she couldn’t. I would also keep ideas of blood, sleep and water in the play as these devices add to the drama of the film.

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